Goose feather and down duvets are the perfect snuggle buddy during cold nights. They are also very comfortable, warm and soft. Most down and goose feather duvets are expensive, so caring for them the proper way is vital. First of all, most duvets are machine washable. However, it is best to wash your goose feather and down duvet using a washing machine without an agitator because it causes unnecessary stress on the comforter. If you want to wash your duvet but have a washing machine with an agitator, go to a professional laundry cleaner and avail yourself of their services instead.
Duvet Protector
One of the best ways to protect your goose feather and down duvet from oils, sweat, spills, stains, food and other liquids is by purchasing a duvet cover protector. Washing a duvet protector is less daunting than laundering the duvet itself. You can load it into your washing machine with the rest of your laundry.
Airing your goose feather and down duvet regularly is also another easy and affordable way to keep it clean and fresh. Do this when the weather is hot and the sun is out. Simply hang your duvet on the clothesline for at least 30 minutes every other week. The sun is a strong disinfectant thanks to its powerful UV rays. According to scientists, a few minutes under the sun is enough to kill up to 99% of microbes.
Exposing your duvet to sunlight is also a great way to get rid of minor bed bug infestations. Take advantage of a hot day and hang your goose and down feather duvet on a porch railing or clothesline. Leave it out for 4-5 hours in direct sunlight. Bugs will leave your duvet and crawl to shaded areas to escape the heat.
While airing your duvet, shake out clumps and fluff it a couple of times to force air into the duvet. That will help the material inside regain its shape and redistribute itself.
As stated above, you need a washing machine without an agitator. Even if you have the proper washing machine, it is still best to have your goose feather and down duvet laundered professionally. You will need a high-capacity front-loading washing machine, tennis balls and lots of patience if you decide to do it yourself.
If you have this type of washing machine, here is how to launder your goose feather and down duvet. First, stuff your duvet inside the washing machine and use a small amount of mild detergent. It is best to use detergent sparingly because too much will strip away the goose and down feathers. Add two additional rinse cycles to ensure that there is no detergent left. Dry your goose feather and down duvet in a high-capacity dryer set on low. It will take 8 – 12 hours to ensure that your duvet is completely dry. Add a few tennis balls to fluff up the comforter during the drying cycle.
To make sure that it is dry, hold the duvet against an overhead light to ensure there are no clumps. If there are still clumps, run another drying cycle. Damp duvets are a perfect breeding ground for mould and mildew.